Should Students be Allowed to have Cellphones in School?
I think that students should be allowed to have phones in school because then at lunch we can text our parents or our siblings to ask if they’re ok or for lunch. If you're in trouble you need to text or call someone, as well if it was an emergency you would need to ring the cops, Mum, Dad, fire department or the Ambulance.
Cell phones in schools do far more good than bad as they prepare students for the real world, and help them learn how to be responsible.
Kids are most likely to use google calendar to put up, upcoming events such as meetings,birthdays,school camps, school cross country. There's a time and a place to go through Instagram, play Candy Crush, and take selfies. And by allowing students the freedom to keep their phones in school, they’re learning big lessons in being more responsible that it will serve them well.